A Life With Purpose Means a Lifetime of Joy
November 17, 2022 12:00 AM
"Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it." Ezra 10:4It has been said that people just want to know that they are loved. While this is true, I do not believe it is what a person wants most. I would contend that people want to know above all that they are needed and that they have a purpose. You can tell someone you love them until you are blue in the face and still watch their life fall apart. Instead, give that person something to accomplish and let them see the end result of their effort. You will literally witness a life change right before your eyes, and they will have joy. Yahweh has placed people in our lives that we need to direct toward purpose. We cannot just say we love them and hope for the best. We have to get them involved and moving. Yahweh designed us to be a people of movement. Sometimes you just have to shake someone out of complacency, so they can see. They still have to make the choice, but Yahweh is counting on us to be the catalyst for their change. Don’t just sit back! Put your hands in the dirt, dig, and bring someone else along side of you. We have work to do!