A Tree Firmly Planted

April 23, 2024 12:00 AM

And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity]. Psalm 1:3

I think it is because we are in the ‘season’ of blooming, trees and flowers budding and blossoming that this particular scripture rose in my spirit this week and I have thoughtfully considered His word. Yahweh is an incredibly awesome and faithfulFather and as I meditated on His word here I realized it goes directly in line with what has come out of The Rock in the past week through the Sunday teaching “Battle Buddy” and the C.O.R.E class on Wednesday.

When Yahweh does a thing it never fails, and when Yahweh blesses a son it is never a little or a portion, it is an overflowing abundance and exponential-more-than-you-could-ask-for-or think. That is the kind of God we serve, and the kind of Father that Yahweh God is. When we walk with Him in true relationship, abide in Yahshua the Christ, serve Him without reservation, trust in Him, put Him first, meditate on His word, give Him glory in areas of our lives, it is easy to see His promises, one after another, overtaking His sons. Psalm 1:3 is one (of many) very sure promises of our Creator.

The promise is this…

We will be planted FIRMLY, not blown to and fro. We will not become disillusioned or confused. We will not become weak rooted, decayed or withered. We will know His voice, His word, and His way confidently. We are not swayed and His character is our character.

We will be fed, well nourished, not lacking. Again, we have that we could possibly need or think to ask for in alignment with Him. Because we are planted by the streams of life giving waters. Every mineral, nutrient, the supply of heaven makes available at exactly the right moment both naturally and spiritually.

Not only are our roots, those things that are set deep in the soil, anchoring and securing us, but even our leaves, those things that are seen are flourishing. Not shriveled, withered, yellowed, barely hanging on, but they are vibrant, green, and strong, securely connected. Fruit is in every season, not limited and it is abundant, and more than expected because that’s the kind of loving God we serve.

Because of the planting, the placement, and proper connection through true and pure relationship with Yahweh God EVERYTHING flourishes, and prospers, and comes to full and complete maturity. Everything from top to bottom, leaves to roots is strong, healthy, prosperous, life giving, and abundant.

My encouragement today is this- do not forsake the assembly, link arms with the battle buddy assigned, and put your roots in DEEP. Begin to drink deeply of life giving waters flowing abundantly.