Agreement with His Love
September 25, 2023 12:00 AM
There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love]. 1 John 4:18There is a trading floor open here. In our ever-increasing capacity as a son who is an eternal being we are called to a place of perfect (mature) love. In order to give it we must first receive it. The principle of learning first to receive and then to give is foundational, and in maturity it is a reflection. As we receive the Father’s perfect love, we are then able to give and demonstrate a perfected (matured) love. We have the ability to reside in it, and the capacity to carry it within us. There is no lack in Yahweh, and He has an endless supply. As we come into agreement with His love for us it begins to be a part of who we are. Agreement is so powerful and important to the Father. Agreement with God’s love for us casts out any fear that we can do anything to cause Him to stop loving us. Agreeing with Him about the truth of the depth of His love for His sons and daughters shuts down voices of fear, thoughts of doubt, memories steeped in guilt, false pride and removes any blockage that could keep you from remembering who you are in Him. Coming into agreement His love for you will literally begin to change thought processes, the way you view things, and it will ultimately begin to change the way you do things. My encouragement today, receive His perfect love for you. Receive Him as faithful Father, the one who created you and sent you. Receive Him as the almighty God and agree with Him about the truth of the depth of His perfect love for you. Agree with Him and then watch how your perspectives begin to shift. Rather than coming from a place of fear you will begin to move from a place of new identity full, whole, complete perfect love that is be found in Him.