
November 8, 2023 12:00 AM

Therefore I will always remind you about these things, even though you know them and are established in the truth you now have. 2 Peter 1:12

I saw a video recently poking fun at “modern worship music,” highlighting that a phrase is often repeated over and over. Later, I was listening to a song I’d never heard and some of the phrasing repeated for quite a while, and it really ministered to me. It wasn’t empty repetition: it was full and engaging! It gave me something to connect with. I thought about times at The Rock during music when the singer may sing a phrase several times and say something like, “let these words really get in you!” Truly, sometimes we need to rehearse encouragement for it do the work deep in your soul. It’s plowing ground to find a deep well. There’s a place that takes that kind of reminder from spirit to soul to be life.

Did you know that there are over 200 verses in The Bible that closely repeat? Even the gospels provide four perspectives of walking with Christ. There is a place for reminding, rehearsing, and repeating when it allows you to synthesize and integrate the spiritual with the natural.

Is there a song in your heart today? A word from Yahweh? A truth you need to hear? Say it, and say it again, and speak that truth over your soul today to encourage you and align yourself with your creator!

If there’s nothing that comes to you, then how about this: Yahweh loves me. I am good. I have a future. I have a testimony. He is right here in this very moment, and He always will be.