Apex of Christlikeness

August 20, 2023 12:00 AM
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Heb.13:8 
Why would a believer have to change things about themselves constantly, when Christ is the same ALWAYS? It doesn't sound very fair, does it? Think about the standard we, as believers have chosen to adhere to, then wonder what it would be like if that measure was always in a state of flux. It would make it impossible to ever attain it.
Christ is our focus and we can only go after His demonstration to comport to the Father and His Kingdom. If Christ was given to show us how to conform to His image, how could we do it if He is not a set benchmark for us?
Remember, today as you are going about, be the apex of Christlikeness that the Father desires you to be. Change is good, but only if we are pointed in the right direction to be effective in the Kingdom of Christ.