Are You A Finisher

January 28, 2024 12:00 AM

Are You A Finisher?

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

John 16:13

This scripture has remained in my heart over this past week. It has resonated within me that the Spirit of Truth comes, and he will guide you, and he will guide you not just into truth, but into ALL truth. Last week, in the Start Your Day called The Spirit of Truth, it was addressed that Yahweh is intentional, and that His truth is in the beginning, the finishing, and everywhere in between for you.

As we learned this past Sunday about Tav, the 22nd Hebrew letter, and what it represents, the finish, I had an interesting thought as Steve shared that I wrote in my notes from the message. The Hebrew letter Tav looks like and is shaped liked a doorway. It is three sided with two vertical lines and a horizontal line across the top.

There is opportunity to walk through this door, and I encourage you to do so. To be the one who will walk through the door of truth and enter into the Tav and what is beyond. It is a finish, not an end, but rather a beginning. A new beginning that starts with the Spirit of Truth who guides you in all truth. The Spirit of Truth will guide you to and through the door, to a place of glorious life and abundance in every area, not just a few, but all arenas, all places overflowing with His Spirit of Truth. Truth from the beginning, until the next finish, and everywhere in between!

My encouragement today is this, walk. Walk right through that door. Be a doer of His word, not a hearer only or even a repeater of the word. It is good, and right, to repeat and rehearse what Yahweh is speaking, but do not let it stop there. Keep going. Walk through that door guided by the Father’s Spirit of Truth. Finish and begin.