Blessed By Affiliation
April 9, 2022 12:00 AM
“…Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ…” (1Cor.11:1)Since I have been a part of The Rock Family there has been an ongoing message that is always spoken of but seldom said directly. I believe this is so for the sake of humility and not to seem prideful or arrogant. However, we are blessed to have leadership who understands what it is to demonstrate excellence in following before leading. Paul declared that the Saints of Corinth should do exactly that. He knew that he was an excellent example –not a perfect example—of how to follow Christ, and, if there is one truth that I have learned, it is that our leadership is a great example to follow. For example; Revelation explains that it is through the blood of Christ, a testimony and a life that will cause you to be an overcomer. Therefore, when you witness these things trust that a good example is there to follow because testimonies are not just words, and someone else’s righteous life is valuable to you as well. Because right relationship will cause you to become a benefactor of what they have already endured and overcome.
“…And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death...” (Rev 12:11)So, if you will hear, buy it up and sell it not. If you will dare to hear the voice within the voice relationship will grow by Spirit. There isn’t a greater relationship than that of the Spirit. Don’t allow doubt and self-pride to rob you of what is purpose for you. Stop looking for the burdensome way. As it was with Abraham and Lot, Moses and his father-in-law and your relationships in Christ, be blessed through affiliation.