Breath of Life
August 8, 2023 12:00 AM
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living person. Genesis 2:7
This week, I did a yoga practice. Breath is often focused on during yoga, and the instructor was guiding us through some deep breathing at one point and asked, “What can breathe tell you?” The question stirred in me throughout the entire practice and since. I ask you this morning, “What can breathe tell you?”
It can tell you that you are alive. That you have something to offer this day.
Your inhale and exhale breathe the name of Yahweh. It reminds your soul of I AM. It reminds you of who you are and Whose presence you are filled with.
It can tell you if you are safe or threatened. You can deepen your breath to invite peace.
It can be a foundation for exercise and remind you of your strength.
It can give voice.
I encourage you today to connect with the breath of life that is in you. Take a moment now and in the next few exhales breathe out anything that is a distraction or difficulty. Breathe out a concern from work. From home.
Then in the next few inhales breathe in Truth. Breathe in Peace. Breathe in Strength. Breathe in Grace. Breathe in Life. Breathe in whatever you need for this day.
I bless you and strike hands with the breath of life that is in you!