By Wisdom
June 12, 2022 12:00 AM
“By wisdom the LORD laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place.” Proverbs 3:19Let this reverberate within you…… the same Wisdom that is spoken of in Proverbs is the same Wisdom that He has given to you and to me because of His love for His sons and daughters. If Wisdom was important enough to be utilized in the laying of the earth’s foundations by the Creator of the cosmos, then Wisdom is certainly important enough to be utilized and activated in the laying of the foundations of every area of our lives! She is required in order to set the proper framework and assists with the progression of the building. I remind you that Wisdom is a gift, and we are promised that if we ask, Wisdom will be given. Wisdom is more precious than gold, and the one who has Wisdom loves life and walks in humility. Wisdom calls us to the next maturity and is necessary in order to govern the supply that is released to us. This Wisdom in Proverbs 3:19 is connected with, arching with, John 1:3 to create a vault that we are called to, and not hold to ourselves, but rather release and declare to all of humanity the gospel within, and through the living testimony of our lives.
“All things were made and came into existence through him; and without him not even one thing was made that has come into being.” John 1:3By Wisdom Yahweh laid the foundations, and all that was made came into existence through Yahshua the Christ. Yahweh sent Yahshua into the earth as the savior and for the redemption of mankind as His living word (Logos). Wisdom was with Christ as He functioned in this earthly realm, the foundation was set for success through the Son of God. Because the foundations were set and established irrefutably it enabled relationship to be redeemed through the one whom all things that exist came into being. You and me! We are set for success in our proper positioning in Yahshua and the sure foundation laid by our heavenly Father. Wisdom can be found in our positioning in Christ. Wisdom is the divine power of Yahweh God in the establishment of relationship which was the original intent of the Father from the beginning. Foundational, and a key for the sons bringing heaven into earth. Both Wisdom and Christ are key components in the building of the Kingdom. Don’t neglect either, but rather press into the Father by receiving the gift of His Son and the salvation offered daily, and receive Wisdom and utilize all that she has for you.