Change The Algorithm

October 11, 2023 12:00 AM

You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

I imagine that many of you are on social media and have heard about algorithms: what your feed presents that it has learned you may look at. This could be which other users you interact with frequently or follow, and it may include new content that aligns with your usual interests.

I noticed a pattern in my feed that was bringing up content that had some really sad material. I hadn’t sought it out, but the algorithm will push you beyond what you think you’re looking for. I would think about these individuals’ lives and their trauma sometimes gave me fears about things that could happen to my family. I recognized that the algorithm is a tool of an industry motivated on profit, and it isn’t concerned with my peace. It just wanted my attention and my clicks.

I began to seek out specific content that I wanted to give attention to, and I noticed that very quickly, the algorithm changed. I started to be inspired instead of troubled. I had consideration instead of concern.

Today, in the most practical and supernatural ways, how can you change the algorithms in your life? What has your attention? What is its motivation? Is what you consume nourishing? You can change it if it isn’t. If there is a pattern or a voice you’ve given ear to, make the adjustments that you need to. Seek Him with all your heart, and He will show Himself to you! He has the answer and the direction that your soul and spirit truly need. Change the algorithm.