Changing Winds

June 11, 2023 12:00 AM
He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens, and by his power he led out the south wind; Psalm 78:26
Currently, the weather pattern in the earth is changing from what has been considered La Nina for quite some time, to an El Nino. With El Nino comes hotter climate conditions and more rain as the sea waters rise in temperature, and the atmosphere changes. According to NOAA, unusually high atmospheric pressures develop in certain areas and decrease in others. This is not necessarily a hard and fast rule, but are conditions associated with this particular weather event and it causes the winds to shift and change. All over the earth, and especially around the equator, there are winds known as trade winds. They have been known and utilized by sailors for millennia and are especially consistent and enable the one utilizing them to rely on them for passage and for trades. During El Nino these trade winds have a tendency to slow down and even reverse direction along the 60 degree “belt” around the equator. These winds in particular have caught my attention. As the earth turns the seasons, winds, weather and climate change, ebb and flow as so created by Yahweh God. The Father has many times spoken through the weather and what are considered natural events if one has eyes to see and ears to hear. Consider for a brief moment the flood that Noah experienced, the raining fire and brimstone that Lot witnessed, the drought prayed for by Elijah, the wind and the waves on the sea that the Apostles experienced, and the sky turning dark as night at the crucifixion of Christ. Each of these demonstrated the power and authority of our God to the men and women of that day. The winds are changing, and it is for the son! My encouragement is this, allow the winds to blow, move, and shift as they may. It may be uncomfortable, it may be hot, or it may still, it may be an area of high pressure, or winds that are not blowing at all. Take the time to engage Holy Spirit and hear and see from the Father’s perspective. Position yourself in His word and align with Him. Embrace the winds and embrace the change.