Culture of Honor
April 26, 2023 12:00 AM
When I look around today, no matter where I am, it is evident that our society does not understand honor. The younger generation has no respect for the older generation, people have no respect for other’s things, timeliness is not important, there is lack of honor for self demonstrated through wardrobe, language, peer groups, etc. I could go on and on. Consider the ways you see the lack of honor in our society in your every day life.
How do we change that? We can only introduce honor to those under our influence. Honor is introduced through example, it cannot be imposed. You cannot give someone the definition of honor and expect them to understand how to actively honor themself and those around them. It is taught by example. That being said, if each one of us create a culture of honor through our example with those under our influence, we can create a culture of honor in our society. It can’t be done with just one person, it will take all of us doing our part to reintroduce honor to our society.
As you start your day today, I encourage you to consider honor. If you lack honor, I encourage you to address those areas in your life. If you have no lack, I encourage you to lead by example those under your influence to help reintroduce honor to our society.