Does Yahweh Trust You Like He Trusted Job

April 25, 2022 12:00 AM
Job 1:8 "Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”
I was thinking about the story of Job recently (as we have been reading through the book), and considered something that I had not before. How much trust did Yahweh have in Job? So much in fact, that he would allow almost everything to be taken away from Job (except his life) and still trust that Job would remain faithful. This wasn’t just some random test that Yahweh put before Job. He knew that Job would value his relationship with Yahweh over his possessions, wealth, friends, and even family. When Job had nothing, he did not turn his back on his God.
I would encourage you to consider something this week. When everything is stripped away, what remains should be your relationship with Yahweh. It should be the foundation. Also, consider this.. Yahweh does trust you, and He has found you faithful. This doesn’t mean you are perfect, but the relationship was never contingent on you being perfect. He wants you. One final note. Yahweh calls Job a “servant” in the above passage. He calls us sons!