The Fall Festival

October 28, 2023 12:00 AM
“Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work.” 1 Thessalonians 5:12
The Rock Church, The Rock Academy, and Kidz Rock Early Learning Center would not exist without Steven and Kimberly Parker. They established the campus of ministries we know as The Rock of Central Florida to serve you and me. Our community is better for it! Steven and Kimberly Parker are worthy of our highest honor. I encourage you to consider the ways they have impacted your life. What does The Rock of Central Florida mean to you? How has the Father changed your life or your children’s lives through this ministry? Perhaps Kidz Rock Early Learning Center is the reason you are counted among us today, or maybe you came because you enrolled your child in The Rock Academy. However you came to be a part of The Rock of Central Florida, know that it is because Steven and Kimberly Parker paved a way through their unwavering pursuit of the Father’s heart for Central Florida - and they are just getting started! Today, October 28th we will begin celebrating The Rock of Central Florida’s 24th Anniversary! Our Anniversary weekend each year is always full of jubilant celebration and marked by honor for our Visionary, Steven and our beloved Mrs. Kimberly Parker. This year will be no different! Join us on campus at The Rock of Central Florida today for our Annual Fall Festival from 10AM – 2PM! Our Fall Festival is a day full of FREE family fun! There is no cost to attend or to participate in any of the events. Come out and join us and invite someone to join you! There will be food trucks, local business booths, bounce houses, line dancing, contests and prizes, raffle giveaways, and so much more! We look forwarding to seeing you there!