Grace - What a Gift

November 19, 2022 12:00 AM
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" Ephesians 2:8 "But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift." Ephesians 4:7 
Have you ever received something good you did not deserve?  That is called grace.  Grace is unmerited favor given to someone who does NOT deserve it.  It is blessing someone who wronged you, helping someone who hurt you, it is serving someone who cursed you (Matthew 5:38-48, John 13:1-12).  This is what makes grace so powerful!!! I remember recently, I was driving on a road with the speed limit being 25 miles per hour.  I was not paying attention and before you know it, I heard a police car’s siren, and saw its lights behind me.  I quickly looked down to my speedometer, and I was going 42 miles per hour. Immediately my stomach sank, and I knew I was about to receive a speeding ticket.  I recognized my wrong and I deserved the speeding ticket that most definitely was coming.  The police officer came up to my window, asked for the required documents, and then proceeded to ask if I knew why he was pulling me over.  I admitted to him I was speeding, and I was sorry for not paying attention to the speed limit.  As he walked away, I could not help but feel angst and disappointment.  I acknowledged I broke the law, and realized I deserved the consequence of my mistake.  After a few minutes of him running my driver’s license and car tag, he returned to my window, and said he was not going to give me a ticket.  But he was letting me off with a warning.  Obviously, I was tremendously grateful and relieved.  I proceeded to thank the police officer and reassured him I will be more aware in the future. What a gift!!!  I deserved that ticket, but the police officer extended “grace” by showing me unmerited favor, and the crime was wiped away.  Yahweh God does the same thing for us and MUCH more!  So, as you start your day, reflect on the grace our Father has given to you.  Those times He forgives, those times He blesses, those times He heals - Grace, what an amazing gift!