October 3, 2022 12:00 AM
As Hurricane Ian moved across the state of Florida it brought with it opportunity. There is opportunity to demonstrate the true grace and graciousness of the Father to those around us. His grace is so multifaceted, all encompassing, and truly given freely.
Grace is defined in our dictionary as courteous goodwill, and as a believer it should be extended to bring glory to the Father. In Hebrew grace is often translated as favor that is precious, and valuable.
“And Noah found grace in the eyes of YHWH.” Genesis 6:8Did you hear that? Noah FOUND grace in the eye of Yahweh God. In His vision, in His perspective, in His way, in His will. The value was in Him, the gift was in Him and it could not be found anywhere else. Noah demonstrated the grace given to him by his willingness to be set apart and do what had never been done or seen. It was by grace that Noah saw Yahweh’s vision. It was grace that enabled him to complete the task and walk out the word of Yahweh to him, and everything that Noah needed was in the Father.
“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17In Greek, grace is defined as kindness and life, it is a gift within Christ and encompasses thanks, gratitude, and favor. Grace is a gift that the Father has not only given to you and I through His son, Yahshua the Christ, but it is within you and I to extend freely. It is kindness and life that flows from the thanksgiving and praise, and gratitude within. We have been tasked with the assignment to receive the grace that was sent, and extend that grace out, to be the light on a hill, and to be life to those around us. Yahshua was the son, and we are sons. It is the grace found in Him that rests upon us that enables us to extend the grace within us. This is a perfect moment to allow those living waters within you to flow to those around you and demonstrate the Kingdom. This is a gift! We have no idea the impact our choices will have on another today, tomorrow….. eternally. Allow Yahweh, Yahshua, and Holy Ghost to work in and through you to see, receive, and give freely.