You Are The Evidence

October 27, 2023 12:00 AM

….I saw [in a vision] the Lord sitting on a throne, high and exalted, with the train of His royal robe filling the [most holy part of the] temple.” Isaiah 6:1

The best week of the year is here as we rejoice over the Visionary of The Rock, Steve Parker, and his wife, Kim Parker.To give honor to whom honor is due is a powerful stance that opens a conduit for Yahweh’s glory to enter the earth, and this week it is open in Central Florida as we pour out abundantly!

They are fearless, moving, advancing forward, and leading us toincrease the Kingdom, progressing in faith, further expanding into this city. They have led us into the most magnificent days and the impact is being felt in a way it never has before in Central Florida. It is vision upon vision, changing landscapes, as the Father’s precepts of relationship, missions, growth, education, and business are continually being revealed.

You, Steve and Kim, stand as trees “lining the banks, producing fruit in all seasons.”

Your steps are always productive, your voice always holdsweight, and never once have you stopped at easy because He fills every part of who you are. His character is your character, every time. You give continually, withhold nothing, are faithful without end, tireless, and overflowing. You ARE a physical manifestation of His goodness.

So, to Steven and Kimberly Parker, we say:

You are evidence. Evidence seen and evidence heard. Evidence that speaks at times without saying a word. You are evidence of deep trade roots, of every heavenly atmosphere open, and every boundary being broken. You are the temple filled with His train of majesty, power and glory, and every intent and design obtained. You show how to set Him first in every arena, exalt Him and lift Him high, and that He fills every corner, every door, and He is the great height of every floor. YOU are evidence.

How can we express our gratitude for who YOU are to us? We begin by saying, “Glory to our King!” for giving us two of the most incredible, authentic, loving, selfless, genuine people that He has ever sent into the earth. You sow, serve, walk upright, and true daily. You are Yahweh’s very best DNA saved for this day. In the seen and unseen you are diligent, faithful, and YOU are the testament of His faithfulness to humanity and His glory in this earth.

Thank you, Steve and Kim, for being so very faithful and making room for us to walk with you in this day and in this land.Thank you for WHO you are. Thank you for your “no quit, full of zeal, on the wheel of glory to glory” posture in every moment. We give our deepest honor and sincere love to you, andour genuine Hallel Shalem (complete praise) to Yahweh for giving you to us.

Happy 24th Anniversary, Steve and Kim Parker! We love you.