He Knows Your Heart

January 14, 2024 12:00 AM

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

Recently, at bedtime, we read a book that includes some yoga with our son called You Are A Lion. The final position is laying down and being still and breathing in. Though the book’s final line reads “Namaste to each other,” I always say “Honor to each other,” like Tamarrah Phillips often did at Dyhn Yoga at The Rock. I then said, “I honor you” to my son and husband, and my husband said the same, and our son said, “I honor you, Mommy. I honor you, Daddy.” Our hearts swelled hearing this.

Does he grasp what he said? Not intellectually. But he embraced what we were doing as a family, and he repeated what he heard, as children so often do. I thought of how often I’ve measured my words in life, to make sure they feel as true as possible. We can be cautioned against speaking too emotionally, or too grandly, or with too many words to Yahweh, because of some Biblical examples of individuals who misspoke and offended Him.

But my son set me free when he said, “I honor you.” He spoke simply, and I cherished the heart, even though I know he is immature in the natural. Even though I know his words and actions don’t always resemble traditional “honor.” He blessed me with his big, profound statement. And I believe Yahweh sees us this way too. From the heart, beyond the mind, beyond what you understand, have studied, or even experienced, say the big, beautiful words to your God, and fear not. He will smile, and He will receive you, like I did to my little boy. Don’t make yourself small if you think you overstated something. Don’t undo the good work of your heart. Don’t feel like a sinner or liar. You’re neither. You are loved. Know that Yahweh knows your heart even better than you do.