Hear His Voice

August 16, 2023 12:00 AM
But exhort one another daily, while it is still called “today”. Heb. 3:13 (KJV)
If you look at the name of these daily devotionals, have you ever thought about what time of this 24 hour period starts YOUR day? Technically, the “day” begins and ends at the same time, midnight. Normally, we don’t start our day until the sun comes up or say the day is over when Old Sol drops down below the horizon. I’ve learned over the years of having a work schedule that had me starting anywhere in this 24 hour period, that even though I still needed rest, I could pretty much wake up and “start my day” anytime!
Not everyone can do this, and I don’t recommend it as a lifestyle as you may not be “built” for this kind of thing. My point is, in reference to the above scripture in Hebrews, that there is never a time that we shouldn’t be exhorting one another. I used to feel guilty about not reading the word or praying at the same time every day, until I started seeing what Holy Spirit was trying to show me. It wasn’t always about a set time, but about obedience to the call in the moment. So, today, when you are reading this, don’t think about whether you read before or after breakfast, just hear and obey. You will find a greater peace when you don’t try to formulate how and when you hear His voice, just that you did!