
September 13, 2023 12:00 AM
I love words, what they mean, what they represent. I especially love THIS word. Yahweh God created everything by His word exhaled. His words caused the very creation, the universe to come into being, to exist. Words are POWERFUL. It is a challenge to put in this space all that this particular word represents, it is full in depth, width, and height. “Here am I” or “Here I am” is the translation for the Hebrew word, Hineni. Hineni represents a declaration, one that was given several times in scripture when Yahweh called various individuals, and their response was, “Hineni.” Hineni is a positive response, and a response in faith and knowing that the Father is seeking YOU, and is awaiting for your reply.
“Now after these things, God tested [the faith and commitment of] Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he answered, “Here I am.” Genesis 22:1
The first mention of Hineni is with Abraham. His response of attention was before a great test of faith, the request to sacrifice his son, Isaac.
“….that the LORD called Samuel, and he answered, “Here I am.” 1 Samuel 3:4
One of my favorite moments is when Yahweh calls Samuel while he sleeps. As a young boy, Samuel did not yet know Yahweh’s voice so each time he was called he ran to the one who was (for all purposes) his earthly father, Eli. After several times, Eli recognized it was Yahweh’s voice that Samuel heard, and he instructed Samuel what to do the next time it happened. Every time, Samuel’s response was the same, “Hineni.” His response was, I am here, you have my attention, I am not afraid, speak to me, I am listening.
“Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I….” Isaiah 58:9
 Likewise, when we call upon the Father, His response is a resounding, “Hineni” or “Here am I.” He is always right there, right by our side, ever faithful and present. My encouragement today, give your, “Hineni” when you hear His voice. Give that positive response and then listen accordingly. Show up in faith. Give your yes and amen. When He calls upon us, we are in good company- Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Samuel to name a few. Yahweh is a faithful, faithful father; He isn’t just looking for our faithful reply when He is seeking us, He will likewise give a faithful reply when we seek Him. He is always there. Begin today, in faithfulness and see where He leads you to. Lift your voice with a resounding, “Hineni.”