His Plans For His Glory
August 27, 2023 12:00 AM
But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” John 11:4Jesus performed a tremendous miracle of healing when he raised Lazarus from the dead. It impacted more than just Lazarus and his family, but also the town of Bethany and many travelers who were going to Jerusalem for Passover. On the surface, those close to this event may not understand why Jesus waited so long before He healed Lazarus. Was He not aware of the pain and grief Lazarus and his family endured? Yes, Jesus was aware of what they were walking out and knew the outcome. He had a plan, and it was for His glory. His plan becomes revealed as you continue to read in John 12. A large crowd witnessed the miracle of Lazarus. It made a huge impact on them, which led this same large crowd to go into Jerusalem, take palm tree branches, and cry out, “Hosanna,” as Christ entered Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9. So, as you start your day, you may not understand or realize the plans Christ has for you, but He does have one. It is not to cause you grief, but it is instead to shape your heart with faith and inspire you to trust His plans. It is for His glory and your good!