Honor Spill From Our Bones

October 23, 2022 12:00 AM
This week is leading up to our 23rd Anniversary at The Rock of Central Florida. It is one of the best times of the year as we celebrate together as true family... but, the best part? The opportunity to pour out on our Visionary, Steve Parker and his wife, Kim Parker. To honor by word, by spirit, with sound and with action. To pour out with thanks and gratitude. The Parkers serve with their whole being. Body, Soul, and Spirit. They lead the way fearlessly, tirelessly, unwaveringly, demonstrating the life of the Kingdom. They overflow with His love and serve, by His word, in a land to which they were sent. Full of faith and full of faithfulness, from start to finish they complete each assignment set before them with joy and zeal. They give their “Yes and Amen” to the King without ceasing. The Parkers make room for change to come, for healing to happen, for Yahweh to have His way, and for Holy Ghost to move through a people. When Yahweh looks for a son in whom He is well pleased, He looks at Steve and Kim Parker.
"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.  Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord." Romans 12:10-11
So, to the ones who lead with grace, who serve with passion, who love and honor and glorify the Father from their rising up to their lying down, we honor you, Steve and Kim. We love you from a deep place. We take this time to stand in the space made available and we pour out our gratitude. Thank you for teaching with your lives, and for showing The Way of the Kingdom every day. For demonstrating unity so that we may be a united people. Thank you for fearlessly speaking truth where others have folded, and for being unafraid to do what many would avoid. For not only allowing room for growth and change but encouraging it! You selflessly give away from yourselves and do things that many may never know in order that others have a safe place to mature. Because of your faithfulness, Central Florida has become a place where lives, from the young to the mature, are changed because of your willingness…. But it is no longer just Central Florida. Lives are being changed around the world. From people you have known for decades to people you may never meet. The landscape has changed, and the frequency has increased. We overflow with gratitude for who you are every day, but let it be heard with a thunderous shout today. It is not lost of these sons…. From the place of truth and the space of Olam, it is an everlasting and eternal thanksgiving to the Father for giving to us, a Steve and Kim Parker. He sent us HIS very best when He sent you.