Humility Leads to Honor

August 21, 2023 12:00 AM

Pride leads to destruction; humility leads to honor.” Proverbs 18:12

There are quite a few scriptures that could be referenced, but Proverbs 18:12 is concise and to the point. We often talk of honor at The Rock. We are a people that love to give honor, express honor. We speak it, we demonstrate it, and live it. It truly is a culture of our people.

This past week the topic of pride came up. It was a beautiful discussion where one of advanced maturity addressed an area of his life that he saw healing had come and was coming to. As he spoke, you could feel the tangible atmosphere of honor settle over the group of people who were listening. Why? Because he spoke with sincerity and humility. There was not an ounce of pride in his voice or posture as he spoke, but rather a completely humble posture and tone as he shared what Holy Spirit had revealed to him and he was more than willing to allow Yahweh God to do the work. He was making the name of Yahweh God great, not his own. He was increasing the kingdom not himself. He was not seeking to obtain honor, but honor came.

It was an honor to those who were witnessing and listening to what this man had to say, and at the same time honor spilled from the bones of every person in the room. You could feel it. We honored what was taking place because it was not somethinghe could do himself, and he acknowledged it. It was a revelation brought by Holy Ghost and he moved in it. In his humility he was raised up IN the glory of Yahweh. He was ascending in his declaration that in and through Yahweh he was moving in wisdom that came with willingness to change and be changed. Had he not been willing to see and to move, pride would have led to disaster. Maybe not the cataclysmic, the whole world fell apart kind, but a wedge in the intimate relationship with our God kind and that is a ruin just as destructive in our mind, body, and soul. Honored followed because of his stance of humility, and it did not make him lowly but quite the opposite.

My encouragement today is see as our heavenly Father sees. See greatness in what He sees greatness. See power and glory and honor the way He sees power, glory, and honor. May there be less of you and more of Him today. Let all you do point to Yahweh and it is inevitable that honor will follow.