In Like Manner

April 16, 2022 12:00 AM

As sons we are called to be the vessels that allow heaven to flow into the earth. You are the conduit…. but what does that mean?

“Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” John 5:19 (NKJV)

John tells us of the words spoken by Yahshua the Christ in response to healing a man at the Pool of Bethesda. This is how Christ lived his life in this earth. He only did what He saw His Father doing and whatever He saw He did in like manner. He did nothing of His own accord, of His own will, or His own intent. His intent was, at all times, the intent of our Heavenly Father. In our Creator is wholeness and healing therefore when Christ stood in perfect alignment with the Father wholeness, and even miracles and healings, continually flowed in and through Him. People at the time did not understand that though His body was here in front of them His spirit was continually communing and connected with Yahweh.

Our responsibility is to be engaged as Christ was, and immersed in Yahweh God. We must be positioned IN Christ, our posture one of relational sonship, and keep our vision and focus on our God. We are not those who simply seek His hand, but rather we seek His face to gaze into and subsequently see through His eyes and see His perspective. To be sensitive to the things of the Spirit. Yahshua’s every movement, every action, and every word spoken was based on what He saw taking place in the heavenlies and ours should be in like manner. His physical body was here, He encountered men and women and had conversations, He walked the dirt roads, ate meals with His followers, but His Spirit was always fully immersed in the will of the Father. Every moment of His earthly life was in like manner to Yahweh and what flowed through Him was the will of Yahweh in that moment.

My encouragement is this- be found doing as Yahweh is doing. Press in to Him daily. Be active, awake, and aware and communing with Him at all times. The result? Like Christ, heaven will move through you and be demonstrated in the earth in the ordinary and the extraordinary. The Father’s power, wonder, and glory will be seen in you! When they encounter you on the roadway they will encounter heaven because you are doing, in like manner, what the Father is doing.