Let the River Flow
April 3, 2022 12:00 AM
There is a call to the mature son to rise up in this age and speak. Speak the word of the Lord, speak life, speak up, sing up and build up with our words. Isn’t it interesting that in the building process there is also a call to build up with our words too?
I recently was in two situations which were different but both difficult to navigate in the natural. I heard Holy Spirit say to me do not deal with these with your mind but only by the spirit. I then began to only speak the truth about the situation. In the first instance I had to separate the person from their actions and say what Yahweh was saying about who they really were. I never had to flaunt my authority, but simply lift my voice and speak out of the River that was already within me. Immediately things began to shift and change and all glory was given to the Father. In the second situation I had to speak the truth directly to the person I was dealing with. I looked her in the eyes and told her who she really was by the spirit and I did not mince words. It was hard! But when I finished she began to crack the shell she was in and break down some of the walls that were hurting her.
The truth is potent, it can divide and shatter the old and build and restore the new. It is double edged and there is a double portion that walks with it. That is why the power lies within our mouths. We have a choice everyday to let the River of abundance, life and truth to flow freely from us OR agree with the enemy and use our words as weapons of warfare against anyone who we come in contact with. I saw the evidence this week twice on how truth and my words changed situations and lives. When we let the River flow riches come forth and people see the glory of Yahweh.