Lost At Sea
June 1, 2024 12:00 AM
I am Yahweh, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King. Yahweh, who makes a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters.Isaiah 43: 15-16
I was thinking about the sea. It's an interesting word to explore, and if you just listen to the sound of it, it's like a letter. It's the "middle C," the center, the foundational note in a keyboard. It's like the number 0 with positives and negatives on either side. It's the big ocean, and it's sight to the eyes, and I imagine it can mean so many other things. So whatever your spirit leads you to "see" in it, see that Yahweh makes a way within it.
Sometimes people use the phrase "lost at sea," to mean that they feel like they're in the middle of big waters with no land in sight. Take encouragement in verses like these. First, He reminds us of His credentials: He is I Am, Holy, creative, and sovereign. And that big, amazing God, makes a way for you in the sea, and whether the waves or high and you feel tossed around in their strength, or if it feels like all has gone quiet and you have no sense of where to go, He makes a way. He loves you.
So today, I pray you find that way in the middle of the storm or the stillness. I pray you find that next step, next breath, and next motivation in the path of your life. Be encouraged that The Lord of all things has carved out something just for you. He cares about you, and He'll be the one you'll know to thank best when you look back on the journey.