Meditation of My Heart

August 15, 2023 12:00 AM

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Today, I bring encouragement, and I do so with a question. What do you meditate or think on, day and night? Are your desires His desires? Are your thoughts His thoughts? Are you set on what is good and pleasing to Yahweh? How much time do you give to the Father?

You have an awesome responsibility. To make not only your words, but the meditation of your heart within this temple pleasing and acceptable to Yahweh God. Some may think meditating is a bad word. Let me free you from this thinking. Meditating is not evil, it is redeemed through His sons. To meditate is to sit quietly, be still, and spend time thinking on or deeply focusing on something. It is to be so aligned with theheavenly Father and be in His will and walk according to His way that your heart and words, even thoughts and actions will be acceptable, pleasing, righteous and holy at all times.

So, sit quietly. You may think you just do not have the time; you do. Forgo the television show you have recorded. Turn off the music for a bit. Set down the book you are reading. Be still and think on Him, deeply. Give Him your full, undivided, undistracted attention. Maybe you can only do so for five or ten minutes…. then do so for those minutes, but don’t stop there. Keep going. Do not think about what you are going to cook for dinner, or what game is on this weekend, do not think about your plans for next week. Sit, meditate, think on Him. Allow Him to speak to you, show you, and reveal His heart to you. Start to make a new habit of giving Yahweh God your undivided, uninterrupted attention on a regular basis. I promise, it will be pleasing to Him.