No Need For Substitutions
November 30, 2022 12:00 AM
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8Scripture says that the Lord has a taste. How about you? Let’s say your personality makes you sweet toward others, and you use that trait to draw people to you or your conversation in any given situation. Sometimes, I think we believe we are acting in our comfortable manner, but outwardly it’s kind of a facade or superficial in appearance. In other words, our sweetness has a bad aftertaste. Artificial sweeteners have that affect on our tastebuds, so it’s possible that we may be putting forth a “not so true” representation of ourselves, all the while thinking we have offered the real thing. It’s really easy to fall into an artificial state of being, especially when we meet and greet people the same way all the time. We must be aware of Holy Spirit at every moment, as He is the refresher of our spirit. People can sense a phony(aftertaste) when we are operating in a purely manmade mode. Today would be a good day to check and make sure we are not an artificial representation to others, but reflect the Kingdom and it’s many “flavors” for others to taste. Once you’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good, there is no need for substitutions.