Praise in Every Breath

November 13, 2023 12:00 AM
Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! (Hallelujah!)  Psalm 150:6
We all know the song…. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord…” I haven’t heard it myself in ages, but I caught myself singing it this very morning. It prompted me to look up the scripture and context of these words. I loved what I discovered when I saw the amplified version, “Let everything that has breath and EVERY BREATH praise the Lord.” We are reminded that not only is everything that has breath to praise our heavenly Father, but every single breath of life should praise Him. Not only in the easy moments, even in the challenges, every breath should be a praise to Yahweh God!
The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.  Job 33:4
We breath in WHO He is continually. It is HIS breath that is in our lungs. He is abundant in faithfulness and goodness, and plenty in His glory and magnificence. He is more than we can think or imagine, and we can seek and discover a new facet of Him every day and there is still more to know of our God. His love and grace are boundless and endless and ever increasing. Yahweh God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the entire universe and He desires to have relationship with us and that we know Him personally and intimately. How can we do anything but give thanks and gratitude, and praise Him in every moment? So, be encouraged! Praise Him upon your rising and praise Him upon your lying down. Give thanks and honor as you go about your day. Exhibit gratitude, and a heart full of thanksgiving in each moment, in each day.