Record Yahweh's Faithfulness

February 27, 2024 12:00 AM

Proverbs 3:3-4

Love and faithfulness are words we hear often. They’re familiar, and maybe we think of people we care for when we consider them. Yet, they’re also huge words that can lose meaning. They can become filler. Some translations of this verse read “let love and faithfulness not forsake you” instead of “never leave you,” and I wonder at that. Would love and faithfulness forsake you, or would you forsake them?

Solomon, in all his wisdom, is telling us to never, ever lose sight of these things. Love – personal but universal. Love for Yahweh, for your family, friends, maybe even your enemies, and even yourself. Faithfulness, to not tire of the journey and not neglect your vision when the rewards are hard to find. Hold those things tight; so tight that you hold your head up with them. So tight that your own spine and posture are intertwined with them. Let your heart beat, again and again, with the simple but profound constancy of love. Of faithfulness.

We write things down to never forget them. So record Yahweh’s faithfulness and, in turn, your faithfulness to Him. Feel that in your own heart. And in your mind, let your conduct reflect the qualities of love: mercy, compassion, generosity, and truth. Make it personal today.