See Yourself Through His Eyes

December 11, 2023 12:00 AM

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

Your identity is found in Yahweh. You are His handiwork – His masterpiece. There are things in life that regularly challenge identity – whether in relationships, the workplace, social media, or entertainment. I was reminded recently of a time I was in the hospital for several days, and how the environment communicated fragility. I mean that when you are waited on, fed, and cared for in that way, if you accept that at face value, it can eventually tell you that you are fragile and unable to do any number of things. I had to shake off some of that thinking when I left. I had to remind myself of who I was and what I was capable of doing.

I saw this from another perspective when hearing that when a child is having difficulty if we could see it as a need to build a skill, rather than a behavioral issue, that can remind of the goodness of the child.

What if we did this for ourselves as adults? How do you see yourself? If you “fail,” do you see yourself as a failure, or can you identify that there’s a skill you need to develop? Is there something you should re-assess and shake off? Has someone or something told you that you’re one thing, when your spirit tells you otherwise? Remember, you are Yahweh’s creation. He did not make a mistake in how He made you. Look inward today, and listen intently to His voice. See yourself through His eyes!