Such a Time

June 30, 2023 12:00 AM
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 
Have you ever found yourself experiencing an event and after it passed realize the unique coincidences involved in the situation?  I dare say we all have experience seasons that in the beginning seemed somewhat normal or routine, but as time passed new recognition of divine intervention was revealed. This is what Esther encountered in her life as Queen of the Persian Empire. Esther was a Jewish woman who would never have had thought about being a queen let alone a protector of her people.  But “such a time as this” the Father had a unique plan for her.  She would catch the eye of King Xerxes and through improbablecircumstances Esther became his queen.  On the surface, it appeared she had received a great position and blessing with the aim of being a faithful wife and queen.  But Yahweh God had a different goal.  Esther was positioned as queen not for her benefit, but to fulfill Yahweh’s greater purpose.  “For such a time as this” Esther was positioned as queen to be the mouthpiece for Yahweh to King Xerxes.  She became the protector of her people, Yahweh’s chosen. So, as you start your day consider your life and the many different seasons, situations, encounters, etc. you have been through. It is not coincidence or by chance you are where you are. As you embrace whatever season you are in, if it is in good times, in difficulty times, in the fire, in the press or in the forge, remember there is purpose in it.  “For such a time as this” the Father has you where you are, He has positioned you, He is preparing you, and He is with you.  Rejoice!!!