The Great Gift of Time
May 7, 2022 12:00 AM
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Proverbs 27:9
Time is valuable…people are valuable…relationships are valuable. When was the last time you sat and shared your testimony with someone over a cup of coffee or listened to someone else’s?
We live in a world of hustle and bustle, the never ending to-do list; the on the go, run all the errands list. However, what is more important, people that Yahweh has put in your life or the list of worldly tasks?
Being present is one of the greatest gifts that you can give someone. To be there in more than just body, but also mind and spirit. To be present is to be aware of and recognize the importance and value of this gift and who has been placed in your life for this appointed time. Take time for these moments, these are the moments that have been given to us to walk out purposefully. They are an adventure that is designed to grow us, make us better. Slow and steady, one breath at a time. It is not our job to rush the hours, the days, or the weeks. Ask God what He wants you to bring to the table. He will tell you, you just need to listen. You never how you will be used to make a difference in someone else’s life if you just take the time to be “present” in the life of another. Time is a precious gift. Use it wisely.