The Process of Waiting
June 24, 2022 12:00 AM
It always amazes me at how patient and tender Yahweh is. There have been so many prayers that have been answered and the answer beautifully orchestrated by Yahweh. As though all the puzzle pieces had to be perfectly placed together before you could see the full beauty of the finished picture.
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12I continue to pray daily for the same things that have yet to be answered and yet sometimes I still doubt, question, and want things done my way and in my timing even though I know that His ways and timing are ALWAYS the best. He is the perfect planner. Maybe in those times where we are waiting, we want to take control and hurry the process along and I will be the first to admit that waiting is not easy. The waiting place sometimes can be one of the hardest places to be in because all we want is the answer and to skip the process. The process is a key element in waiting for the answer. Through this process, our perception of the situation can change which sometimes needs to happen prior to receiving the answer. Yahweh is working on us through the waiting and maybe we just need to walk out the process to receive the answer Yahweh has for us.
"The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." Exodus 14:14What do you find yourself waiting for today? a diagnosis a job a dream realized a friend / family member a future husband/wife a future child sickness In those things that we patiently wait for to be done in Yahweh’s perfect timing, there is always a beautiful growth that happens in ourselves. When we see our prayers answered in Yahweh’s timing the outcome is always more than what we could have ever expected. As you trust Yahweh, it will all unfold as it is supposed to be and as it unfolds, you will see that Yahweh never left your side and has been there every step of the way. I know that with waiting comes gifts that would have never been received had the waiting not existed. While you wait, know that Yahweh is working for you and in you!
"I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry." Psalm 40:1