The Rest

March 31, 2022 12:00 AM
So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:3 ESV
  I’d like to introduce you to rest. The seventh day of creation is so much more than just the day that Yahweh rested after six days of creating, speaking, and breathing life into existence! It is holy and the seventh day is a mark of invitation. Psalm 132:14 tells us that Yahweh God dwells and lives there, that He desired this place of original intent, and it is a place of rest, life, peace, and abundance. All that He is and all that He has is available to us, there is no lack, and we have been given access to this place. Come in! To rest is not about sleeping through the eight hours you lay down at night. That is boxed in. It is not about taking a break from our work or our tasks. Rest is an invitation to a holy place of governing. How incredible that He would invite us to such a place, and He has called you and me! We are called to govern, rule, and reign which is why it is so very important that we do not settle for the counterfeit in any area. This holy space is a place of sons governing from their seats and it is where a whisper can change a nation. It is a dimension where we have understanding that we are His word in this earth, and we function accordingly. The breadth of this is where we are positioned IN His name and are moving and flowing with Him in perfect alignment. It is life when we see His will in the assignment, we hear His word in the task, and we breathe in His breath as we build the Kingdom one day at a time. My encouragement is be awake. Rest, but do not fall into a slumber believing you are tired, worn out, or wrung out. Rather, be aware, be present, be alert, pay attention for what He is showing you in whatever manner He is doing so.