The Spirit of His Word

December 31, 2023 6:22 AM
“Don’t just remember the words but align with the Spirit of His word.”
This is a quote from the series The Rise of Sons happening in our house over the past several weeks. This statement has been in my heart since I heard them. It is one thing to be able to quote, memorize, or even reiterate the words released, spoken or written, but it is another thing entirely to ‘align’ with the Spirit of the word. I have been pondering this in my heart and considering exactly what that means. I have said before, and I will state it again, I love Yahweh’s word, both written and spoken, ancient and new (to you and to me). Words are POWERFUL, can bring life or death, encouragement or destruction. Yahweh’s word is always full of life, to the one who will align with not just the word, but the Spirit OF His word. To align means more than hearing it, writing it in our notes, and even more than repeating it to those we encounter. To align means we reflect it, we live it. We do not just remember it as we remember how to tie our shoes or button up our shirt, we move according to it and with the Spirit of it. It is ever changing, always increasing, and always moving. To only know the words and to only memorize, quote, or repeat is nothing more than theology and doctrine, and will produce nothing more than more theology and more doctrine.
“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you- they are full of Spirit and full of life.” John 6:63
My encouragement today is this, whatever scripture Holy Spirit may point you to, whatever word He may speak in the stillness, or whatever mystery the Father may release to you- do not just align with the word and the surface level meaning. Go beyond the black and white. Align with the Spirit of God, align with His intent and His heart. How? Deep, personal relationship. By talking with the Father, listening, communing. His words are full of Spirit and life if you are aligned.