The Terrain is Changing

November 20, 2022 12:00 AM
“For your God YHWH is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of waters, of fountains, and of depths coming out in valley and in mountain…” Deuteronomy 8:7
 What we are learning at The Rock is invaluable. The series we are in currently is the sound of awakening and vision, and a mandate to see what we have never seen before in a changing terrain. The Father IS bringing us into a good land! For some, you may have considered the previous land was amazing or maybe you didn’t. Either way, where He is bringing us to is even greater and full of goodness, and even the journey is part of His goodness and faithfulness! Prophetically, rehearse these words over and over throughout your week and declared them over yourself, over your land, and over your journey. We must set our perspective as His perspective in the journey that is preparing us for the “good land.” As I mediated on these words, I kept going and came to Deuteronomy 11.
 “But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven.” Deuteronomy 11:11
The previous verse tells us that the land we are going into is not like the previous land where we once lived. We are taking possession of a land that will be owned not just occupied, and we must recognize the terrain is changing, and the old ways will not work in the new place. One day you may be climbing a mountain, and the next you may be stepping into a valley. Both are good, and right, and true if you are there by His word and the land He is bringing us to is full of them. The beauty in this land is that it, “drinks rain from heaven.” I charge you to hear it differently today. His supply, all that you need, and more than enough….. the land which we are called to is saturated with it. It is in BOTH the valley and the mountain, and everywhere in between. It is in the journey, and it is in the destination because HE is in your journey and HE is in your destination when we are positioned in Christ. All that is required is given in every part of the journey, and we will succeed, rule, and reign when we are moving according to His word. Consider, and hear the sound of truth. You do not lack so there is no need, but what do you require for the journey today? Refreshing? Hope? Faith? Strength? Endurance? You’ve got it, embrace it! Draw from the “rain of heaven”, wherever you are. Set your face on YHWH.