Full of Courage
February 22, 2024 12:00 AM
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”I greet you today with an encouraging truth. As you consider the day ahead, wherever you have commitments, wherever you are required to be, Yahweh is with you. You do not enter a room, an office, a school, a store, a home, a job site, or any other place alone. The truth is, you are not alone and if you have said Yes to Him, you are a son! Just as Yahweh charged Joshua to be strong and courageous, that is your charge as well. Situations may arise and feelings may creep up, you might even find yourself in the middle of a situation at this very moment. I encourage you to rehearse these words and remember that Yahweh is with you. There is no situation or challenge that is too big for the God we serve. His pathway through it is narrow and you can do the hard thing! Wherever you go today, go with strength, be fearless and full of courage, for you know and as Kaleigh Shoaff ministered this past Sunday, you can trust Him in every season.