What's It Like Being Married to You?
Let us rejoice and exult and give Him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7
What is it like to be married to you? Are you faithful? Communicative? Attentive? Fun?
I saw this question recently and considered that the church is the Bride of Christ. I wondered what Christ sees in our relationship. What is His experience in it? Today I prompt that question in you. I hope that you are one who is engaged, listening, and participating in getting to know Him. In caring about what He cares about and finding joy in time together.
When I think of my spouse, I consider him throughout my day. He’s a part of my decision-making process. He’s my family. If there was no one else, I would have him. Is that what your relationship is like with Christ? Take the time today to consider what it’s like to married to you, and how you experience unity with Christ in a new way. Think of practical ways that you understand relationship and ask Holy Spirit to show you how that translates to your supernatural relationship with Christ!