Who Are You Joined To?

February 3, 2024 12:00 AM
Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”
Recently we have learned to be mindful of who we are joined to. There are many people we come into contact with in our lives (friends, family, colleagues at work). These interactions influence us and our decisions, and even shape who we become. Yahweh doesn’t want us to avoid these encounters, but He does want us to discern who we are “joined” to. When you are joined with someone, there is an exchange that happens. You give something of yourself and so does the other person. It can be a very vulnerable thing, which is why we are not to be joined with everyone. Joining with the wrong people can be dangerous and lead us away from Yahweh. Consider this week who you are joined to. Make sure that your relationships are honoring the Father and that they are adding to you and not taking away.