Who Do You Say I Am?

December 3, 2023 12:00 AM

Who do you say I am?

Matthew 16:15

I recently heard someone share that Yahshua was so curious, even when He was the one who had all the answers. She explained that He asked over 300 questions, was asked 187, and only answered three. Sometimes we approach people and issues with more answers than questions, while Christ took a different posture.

Today, what can you be curious about? Ask Yahweh. Ask a friend. Sit in discovery.

Steve Parker has shared that honor starts with questions, and we can see that even Yahshua demonstrated this. Let’s take interest in life today, and every day. When we are confronted with something, can we find a space to ask before we speak? I am going to take the cue from Christ in this and be curious about the heart of a matter before I define it. How about you?