
June 8, 2022 12:00 AM
Wisdom is found when it is not our focus.
"How then does a man gain the essence of wisdom? We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in complete awe and adoration of God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge." Proverbs 1:7
Have you ever desired to know or understand something so much that you devoted all of your time to learning everything you could about it? What did you gain in this pursuit? Did you become frustrated in your “lack” of knowledge on the subject so much that you gave up on it altogether? Yahweh has made us to be curious beings. He has made us full of wonder and with the desire to learn and understand His creation and the world around us. He has given us passion to pursue our dreams and a mind that is capable of remembering and recalling what we find in the pursuit. He wants us to have wisdom, but He established only one true way to gain it... The focus has to be on Him. We must love and pursue Yahweh with all of our heart. Once this is our focus, everything else will fall into place. When the above passage talks about those that, “scorn true wisdom and knowledge,” it means those people are actually scorning the pursuit of Yahweh. Let this not be said of us! Let us wake up every day with the intention and unwavering resolve to seek Yahweh with all of our heart. This week, be intentional with how you approach your need to understand something. Instead of going to a book or trying to find a scripture for the answer to your need, honor Yahweh first. Then, ask Him for direction. If you don’t receive an answer right away, don’t fall back into the habit of pursuing the answer yourself. Be patient, and He will guide you and always lead you to wisdom, once you first make Him the priority.