Womb of The Morning and Dew of Your Youth

January 13, 2024 12:00 AM

Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours. Psalm 110:3

Holy Spirit has recently brought this scripture to my attention. Psalm 110 is a powerful chapter of promise from Yahweh God that He is a faithful God in every moment to His sons, without fail, without wavering, without question, He is steadfast on the mountain, in the valley, in the desert, wherever we are. Whenever we read a scripture, we have a choice. We may simply take it as black words on a white page or you may choose to go into them and see a hidden treasure.

What I draw your attention to is this, “…the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth….” in the passage above.

What is the womb of the morning and the dew of your youth?

In simplest terms, a womb is a place of birthing and growth until something is matured which then leads to the birthing of new life. The womb of the morning is a place of freshness, vigor, and represents newness, a new day, a new light breaking forth. There is a seed held within the waters resurrected into new life. The dew of your youth (strength, health, and stamina) is a phrase used to denote the waters that come to water the seed. Naturally speaking dew is the water that accumulates overnight. It is full of life and sustenance and comes from the mist that comes in the night. By the spirit it is the supply of heaven, available to the son, it is refreshing and invigorating, and life giving. It is what you had access to before you were even sent into the earth, and it is still accessible to you now.

My encouragement today is this: set your eyes on the Father. (What you behold you become!) Do not look to the left or to the right. There is a new light, and a new day upon us. Drink deep and know that this is a place of refreshing, growth and strength, preparing and process, and growth. It is bringing us into a new place of health, healing, wholeness, and maturity in every facet. A place where the image of the Father is seen in every son.Beauty for ashes, oil of joy, and all things made new. This is a place we have never seen before. Let’s go.