YHWH Wants Your Attention

July 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Yahweh desires our heart, our attention, our obedience, our time, and our worship. He wants our first, and our best and He isn’t looking for what is leftover. The Father wants all of who we are….

But I’m here to testify today, He wants our attention. Today, consider these men who gave Him their attention.

The Father spoke to Moses in Exodus 3:2-4 through a burning bush. Obviously, a bush that burns yet doesn’t burn up will get your attention… or would it? He could’ve glanced at that bush as he walked by and thought, “Oh it must’ve caught fire. It’ll die out” and kept on about his day. Instead, he sought to seeFURTHER. After Yahweh saw Moses was investigating the burning bush, He spoke. He wanted Moses’ attention and had it.Moses was quick to answer, “Here I am” and then listened. This moment was the beginning- it began with a burning bush and resulted in the exodus and freedom of an entire nation.

Yahweh had Elijah’s attention in 1 Kings 19:11-13.

Yahweh sent fire, an earthquake, the wind, but He wasn’t found in any of those. He was in a quiet whisper. Elijah had his attention on the Father which enabled him to discern that God wasn’t in the natural elements in that moment. He was paying attention therefore he heard the quiet whisper. The Fatherbrought encouragement to Elijah who had fled in fear. Yahweh spoke, and Elijah set about doing the Father’s proceeding instruction.

We all know the story of Jonah being swallowed by the fish. But, the story didn’t end there. Jonah gave his attention to the Father while he was in Nineveh, but he became frustrated with Yahweh’s compassion for the people of the city. In Jonah 4,Yahweh sent a worm to eat the very plant He had given Jonah for shade and comfort- to get his attention. Yahweh had a plan, and he needed Jonah’s mind and heart aligned with His to help the people of Nineveh.

There are so many others… Would Noah have built a boat if he weren’t paying attention? Would Esther have saved her people if her attention was not on Yahweh? Would Joseph have married Mary if his attention was misplaced? Would Samuel have anointed David as king if his attention was elsewhere?

Yahweh is so very faithful. He wants our attention- all of it, in the small things and in the great, in the seen and the unseen, and it is for our good! He really is in every detail in every arena- personal, professional, natural, and spiritual. Too often people will discount the very thing that the Father is showing or speaking to them.

Every day, He’ll order your steps, and He can (and will!) use anything He sees fit to lead and guide you. My encouragement is this: set yourself today to pay attention- to Him.

Don’t discount what you see before considering if Yahweh is getting your attention.