You Have Great Purpose

May 1, 2024 12:00 AM

Consider this. There once was a man named Manoah. Manoah’s wife was unable to give birth, but Yahweh had other plans. An angel of the Lord visited Manoah's wife, and gave her a word. He said: 

“You are infertile and childless, but you will conceive and have a son. 4 Now be careful! Do not drink wine or beer, and do not eat any food that will make you ritually unclean. 5 Look, you will conceive and have a son. You must never cut his hair, for the child will be dedicated to God from birth. He will begin to deliver Israel from the power of the Philistines.” (Judges 3-5, NET)

This child would become the mighty Samson of legend. And being gut level realistic, I have to wonder if she felt like she was unworthy or unfit for this mighty thing to come to pass through her? I mean, her name isn’t even mentioned in the story. 

The word was a big one, and affected many others– we’re not only talking about her conceiving a child while being barren, but taking it a step further and saying that the child would be instrumental in delivering Israel from the power of the Philistines. 

The bottom line reality is that the word could have died with her right there, slain by her own doubt. But she shared the word with her husband Manoah, and the rest is history. 

So I ask you then, What is the angel of the Lord speaking to you? What’s the impossible thing that would be so easy to start convincing yourself is too big to come to pass through you?

What is the thing unique to you that will change the very fabric of history? Whatever it is, we need it, and the time is now.