Your Seat

June 12, 2024 12:00 AM
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. As I was driving around this week, my attention was drawn to the bumper stickers of the drivers around me.  I thought about how the person had to make the decision to place the sticker on their transportation and what that meant.  They are telling everyone around them that they agree with the message, they receive the message and at the very least they liked the message.  This sparked another question within me, how do I demonstrate that I am created and seated in Christ?  I do not have to walk around carrying a sign or a sticker on my forehead, but the truth that I am "In Christ" should be evident to those around me.  People are looking, they are watching.  The drivers had no idea who I was or that I was reading their bumper sticker, but it made an impression on me and it told me something about who they are. As you begin today, I encourage you to be intentional with your "seat" and how you presenting it to those around you.  The Earth needs your portion!  Go release and have the best day! I believe in you!