Your Sound Matters
March 25, 2022 12:00 AM
Yeshua is known both as the as the Lamb of God and the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It is obvious that those two animals make a very different sound. Yeshua like a lamb, was mostly silent in the face of His accusers, as he was led to the cross. It wasn’t because he wasn’t strong enough, smart enough or his argument wouldn’t be good enough. As a matter of fact, he probably would have made such a strong case for himself that they would have to let him go free. He could have surely come to His own defense, but He chose ours. Many simply watched and judged the things Yeshua did NOT say. Disqualifying simple words and ignoring the demonstration. But others stood as a witness as the unheard “ROAR” demonstrated what would be a redemption for all.
The Lion, on the other hand is known as the King of the jungle. The sound of the Lion’s roar, can tangibly be heard and felt up to five miles away from its origin. It is bold. We can assume that every roar of a Lion is territorial, but its frequency releases so much more. His roar is a statement of strength, health and positioning. Even the animals that can defeat the lion are cautioned by his sound.
Which sound is more powerful? Know that YOUR sound is the most powerful. Both the Lion and the Lambs “Roar” is powerful because they know who they are created to be. Even when you are not as vocal as the person next to you, if you are pursuing the heart of Yahweh, your sound is being heard.
If Yeshua the Christ, is in me, and I in Him, the frequency of our sound will reach generations.
Be intentional about the sound you release today. Your sound matters!
Psalm 29:3 The Voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters.