Exit Immediately If Uncomfortable

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

(Romans 8:28) “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Are you in an uncomfortable place right now? If you are, I want to bring an encouraging word to you today! First, just because you are uncomfortable, doesn’t mean you are in the wrong place. In fact, we are all being called to a place right now that has little to do with comfort, and everything to do with waiting, listening and most importantly, breathing. 

Yahweh has shown me recently that breathing is very important here. Not panicked breath but focused breath… Deliberate breath. You see, it is in our nature as human beings to want to get out of an uncomfortable place as quickly as possible. Whenever we run into something that is challenging, it is an easy choice to avoid that situation or exit that situation. Instead, be in the moment! Focus on your breathing and buy up everything Yahweh has for you here. It’s ALL for your benefit! Even the things that do not look good.

The reason I chose the above title (Exit immediately if uncomfortable…), is because this is part of a warning label you may have seen in a sauna. A sauna can be a very uncomfortable environment, but the body does some amazing things when placed in that situation. Breathing is also important in a sauna, so you do not start to panic from the high heat. This is a natural example, but applies to the spirit as well. Your encouragement today is to embrace the uncomfortable place you are in, listen to what Yahweh says to you here, and remember to focus on your breath!