Serve As Unto the Father

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

One of the most valuable lessons I learned early on as a believer was about serving. In the Kingdom, to serve is a selfless act that often transcends natural standards, and ideals. I was once told, “When you serve- do it as unto Yahweh.” This means when we serve others, we should do it as though we are serving the Father- because we are. As we serve, we see not only the person, but we see the I Am within them as well. We see who they are, and we see who they are created to be. We see not only the moment or the situation, but we see the deeper significance and purpose of the occasion.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 (ESV)

Yahshua the Christ tells us that the He came not to be served, but rather to serve humanity, even unto death, and ultimately resurrection for the salvation of mankind so that we might have relationship with the Father. When we live a life that reflects Christ and it truly becomes “not I who live, but Christ who lives in me….” we will no longer seek to serve self, but rather each day is seen as an opportunity that has been afforded to us. Each task is an assignment that is worship in every sense, pure and holy. It becomes joy instead of work and delight rather than a burden.

Serving should never be a “…. but what about me?” or “…when is it my turn?” mentality. We have no need to fear of lack. Yahweh’s got us! When we are positioned serving others, and ultimately serving and honoring the Father with our life, all that we need (and more) will be taken care of. Not only will it be taken care of, but blessing will come from behind and overtake you and it will be exponential because we serve an exponential God.

My encouragement today is this, be aware of your opportunity to serve another as unto Yahweh God. Serve in your sphere of influence and do it with your whole heart, full of joy and gladness, that you were the one that chosen for that moment.