First Words

The Rock of Central Florida   -  

‘Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows ME will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12

The first words that come out of a babies mouth are often celebrated. For the most part they are exploring sounds, learning to identify their caregiver and desperate to communicate a need. Those first words are welcomed with praise. And that baby is then more encouraged to communicate and engage those around them. 

What are the first words that you say as the sun is peering through your window? Are you listening to worship music that will set the mood for the rest of your day? Are you taking the time to acknowledge the Father? Are you communicating a need that you need to release to the Father? 

Everyday it is important to be intentional about the way that we begin our day. The first thing that God said in Genesis is “Let there be light”. Does it get more intentional than that? Wake up each morning knowing that you are a light, and the first thing that God was intentional to create, was YOU. 

Make a conscious decision each day to remind yourself, aloud, who the Father is to you, and who You are to him!